Friday, September 23, 2011

What is your style?

I remember asking about style when I first got into photography. I didn't really know what my style was, or how I was supposed to find it. I knew that there were certain photographers that inspired me. I remember someone telling me that I had to FIND my own style through shooting (trial and error you could call it). I already knew what editing styles I liked, I just needed to figure out how to achieve my own technique and determine if I was more of a "posed" or "photojournalist" shooter. First off I didn't want to just flat copy someone else... I loved their work, and knew that particular "look" is what I wanted to achieve... but I needed to make it my own.

Someone recommended that I should put together a posing guide for myself. I went online to the photographers I was most inspired by and pulled some of their photos into my posing guide. I studied this guide, even took it with me on shoots to refer to if I needed. I knew NOTHING about properly posing a person when I first got started, so I needed my security blanket. Heck, I still use that thing at times, because I still don't feel comfortable trying to pose people without some help. What I do try to avoid is taking one of those photos and totally recreate it... I don't use the same location, background, props, composition ,etc. I don't try to make my photo look 100% like someone else's. Sure, there are some poses that have become sort of a "tradition" - like standing on the railroad tracks. But when I pull a pose from a photo I like, I try to reinvent it - tweak it.

There is nothing wrong with using your inspiration for learning purposes -- over time you will learn the technique and figure out exactly what YOUR niche is. Not everyone automatically knows everything there is to know about photography - technical side, composition, posing... and we may never know everything... I'm learning knew things every day... and we all start somewhere.

Monday, September 12, 2011

S&S Photo Backdrops & Floors 500 Fan Give Away!!!

We here at S&S Photo Backdrops & Floors are so excited to see our fan base growing! We are having a 500 fan give away to celebrate and say THANK YOU to our fans! I remember when he hit 100, I was ecstatic. To watch our business grow like this is a wonderful feeling! My "baby" is growing up.

So the rules are as follows:

1. You must "like" each of the participating vendors on Facebook and post here that you did so. THIS IS YOUR ENTRY.

2. You can get another entry by posting the giveaway in your status. Leave a second comment (with a link to your page) that you did so. This will be your second entry.

3. You can get additional entries for each purchase you make from the vendors during the giveaway, just make sure you leave a separate comment for each item purchased.

I will draw a different winner for each item, so there are more chances to win! If your name is drawn twice you will with both prizes. The more entries, the better your odds.

The give away will run from 9/13/2011 - 9/24/2011. The contest will end at 11:59 PM EST on the 24th. 


S & S Photo Backdrops and Floors - 54" x 5' Matte Polypropylene Backdrop or Floordrop with a design of the winner's choice (solid colors excluded) - $50 value. Winner required to pay shipping.

Skeeterbug Props - Stork Pouch - $25 value.

Creative Process Photography - Handspun Newborn Elf Hat with Extra Long Tail & Tassel - $38 value.


Posing Beanbags Photography Pros - Portable Beanbag with Prop Bag (Color: Sky Blue) - $44 value.


There are 4 vendors, so you have 4 chances to win!